Choices choices

Choices Choices - Kevin van Directus

How he makes decisions and choices


backend met customizable ui in order to manipulate data in a database.

developer experience -

education - help people understand what directus is. community engagement - open source op github, end up in a position to purchase directus or tell other people they like it. extensions in marketplace - download and installe extensions

make money - open source maar niet helemaal. als jij succesvol bent zijn zij ook succesvol.


fast, good, or cheap

the iron triangle weighing the opposing forces of quality, speed and cost against eacht other.

good and fast = expensive fast and cheap = low quality good and cheap = slow

alle drie is niet mogelijk


delivered something less good.

Tech stack selection

Database choice hosting provider ui library frontend framework Api

Design systems tailwind bootstrap

Performance vs Maintainability

How much more performant can u make something on what scale/how many users computational cost = cost energy

Bij directus kijken ze naar performance

Tailwind is a css utility tooling. miniscule classes - compose styles

velocity vs flexibility

innovation vs reliability

money -> production/product -> money/ + money

money -> research in development -> production -> money/failure

Artificial intelligence

cost of using ai - it cost money to use ai accuracy - hoe weet je of de ai gelijk heeft how accurate does it have to be.

Directus AI it is a distraction ze zijn geen ai company Accuracy when working with data is a problem

Cost benefit analysis

money time effort, for the benefits and opportunities

SWOT analysis

Weighted decisions matrix

Using directus

Allows you to go much quicker

Directus tradeoffs flexible low level platform.

Storyblok - visual driven CMS, soort preview van hoe je data vervanderd op je website Directus - data driven CMS, puur content management systeem


the tech u use doesn't matter, end users dont matter

youre going to make shitty decisions really engage with that and own it and make better decisions

Root your decisions in user needs we need to maintain it, build code

Consider their needs

how does directus get feedback

Community members - Customers

customer check in with you,

customers who are engaged in community activities
issues in github feature request discord and ask for things, complain ask how to do/use something

users feedback widget

audience whatever dingen zeggen ooit

Impostor syndrome

all the resources

zijn project/website

Directus tv

Directus academy webhook websocket

Backend van Directus - features
